The Original Fantasy Art & Illustration
of Samantha Johnson
Fantastic Creatures, Watercolors, Fairy Tales, Esoteric Art, and the Subtle Nuances of Painting Emotional and Captivating Imagery.
Located in Northern Wisconsin, Samantha paints dreamy visions of the fantastic & strange.
With expressive lines, soft colors, and mesmerizing details, Samantha’s Art Nouveau inspired fantasy illustrations are imbued with an otherworldly beauty and spooky undertones for a unique pairing of Gothic and Whimsical.
What Drives an Artist
to Create?
HI There, I’m sAm.
I’m an illustrator, handmade artisan, and sole owner/artist running the show here on The Realm of sAm! It’s a lot of work, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it deeply fulfilling.
I believe in making the world a more beautiful place through art. Maybe it can’t solve all our problems, but it can bring humanity closer together. If you’ve ever stood in awe of something with a fellow human, whether that creation was born of human hands or the natural world, then you too know this magic.
“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
— Cesar A. Cruz
I have many interests, and therefore dabble in many creative pursuits, but at the end of the day I always return to the realm of Fantasy. Some of what I create is a bit strange, sometimes beautiful, sometimes sad, sometimes dark, but it is always genuine. Through fantasy art I feel I can speak more clearly from my soul.
In this place I am not limited by reality or the tangible. It is a place of wonderment and nightmare, yet the only true danger lies in forgetting your humanity. You may even find monsters, but they are merely reminders that avarice and envy can make monsters of us all, and so too can compassion and love turn us back.
I create because I want to share my world with you, not so much to receive your adoration, though kind words are appreciated. I want to inspire you, and if possible, bring you hope. ✦