each line tells a story.
It may have been the fairy tales I grew up with, or my little kid desire to create explanations for why things are the way they are. I have always told stories. As an avid reader and occasional writer, words are very important to me, but the lure of a single image is that it can become something so personal to anyone who beholds it.
I see my art as empty vessels and the beholder can choose to either accept the story I’ve written, or fill these vessels with their own story. All forms of creativity and art are a communication from one soul directly to another. This is why a piece of music can bring us to pause, why a poem can hold the breadth of our heart in just a handful of words, and why a single painting can whisper an entire saga that has only ever existed in thought.
Art is a powerful voice, and it speaks all languages.
This is why I draw.
Broken Android
Sketchbook entry.
The Emperor & His Shadow
Original character pencil drawing in progress.
The Snow Fell & The Castle Rose
Sansa Stark of Winterfell private commission in progress.
The path ahead will not be easy.
I have always known this. My choice of a ‘Creative Career’ is not only a pursuit of the seemingly intangible, it is often wrought with a great deal of sacrifice and no small amount of frustration. Like most people, I grew up with the common misconception that creatives make beautiful things all day without any effort, because that is what an artist does and anything less is failure. This is a myth, and one that I am trying my best to destroy by being candid about both my creativity, and my emotional well being which is so deeply tied to it. Art is hard, but it is also rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
If you are curious as to where this story will eventually go, I hope you will stick around. Sign up for Rumors from the Realm to watch my projects unfold, or reach out to me on social media. Creativity is a journey after all, and where you start is no guarantee where you might end up.
— Sam

Daring to Dream
An Artist’s Biography
Samantha is a full-time illustrator with a penchant for the fantastic and strange. Her subjects are usually characters, whether human, animal, or creature, and her artwork features a highly detailed animated style paired with superbly realistic anatomy and an exquisite attention to facial expressions and body language.
From the ‘accidental vandalism’ of her early childhood, a series of well-meaning albeit slightly misguided attempts to make the world a more beautiful place, to attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh in preparation for a creative career as a graphic designer, that [most fortuitously] did not work out, Samantha has always pursued art with a passion.
Since 2011 she has garnered contract work drawing sketch cards and trading card art for 5FINITY Productions, Perna Studios, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Braiiinz! Publishing, Breygent Marketing and more. Through these companies she has enjoyed drawing for numerous licensed properties, including DC Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, King Kong, and Ghostbusters.
While she certainly enjoys getting paid to draw cool stuff for other people, her largest project to date would bring her focus back to fantasy art and entirely original creations. In 2016, Samantha celebrated the release of her first coloring book, Quest, through Blue Star Coloring. Quest functions as an art book with several full color watercolor illustrations, a coloring book with pages ranging from beginner to expert-level, and, perhaps most notably, as a wordless narrative. Split into three acts, a forgotten fairy tale told through images alone unfolds over 40 pages of fauns, fairies, monsters, and an epic quest of grace and daring.
In 2017, Samantha chose to step away from contract and commissioned works to focus on personal projects, including her Gatchaman Origins fan comic. It might seem an odd leap from Fantasy Art to a 1970’s Anime, however, the artist herself would argue that this old anime is what sparked her interest in drawing characters from the beginning. And who’s to say bird themed super heroes aren’t fantasy?
Samantha currently resides in central Wisconsin with her partner and their two cats. There she spends the majority of her time in her studio where she runs both the business and creative sides of her art.
Blast from the Past
A budding artist develops her love for cats.